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California Class C License Practice Written Test #1

This exam contains 45 question. In order to pass the entire exam, you must correctly answer at least 38 questions. Skipped questions will NOT be counted in your score. If questions are skipped, at least 82.6% of the answers must be correct in order to partially pass. This exam was specifically designed to aid in the written examination. Thus, if you can pass all six exams with out skipping any questions, then — with high probability — you will pass the DMV class C license written exam (permit test).

1. You are involved in an accident and there is an injury. You must:

Make a written report (SR 1) only to the CHP.
Make a written report (SR 1) to the DMV.
Show evidence that you have insurance only to a peace officer.

2. You sold your vehicle. You must notify _____ within 5 days.

Your automobile club
Your insurance company

3. This lane in the middle of a two-way street may be used:

For beginning left turns if there is no traffic permits.
To make right turns if there is no traffic coming in the opposite direction.
To pass other vehicles when there is no traffic coming in the opposite direction.

4. You are driving at night and using high beams. Dim your lights when you are _____ feet from an oncoming vehicle.


5. Orange colored signs:

Tell you of a rest stop ahead.
Tell you of road workers or road equipment ahead.
Warn you of an increase in the posted speed.

6. You are approaching an intersection. The handbook recommends that you look:

Left, right, left, and right again before pulling out.
Straight ahead and to the left before pulling out.
Left, right, and left again before pulling out.

7. You must look for bicycle riders in the same lanes used by motor vehicles because they:

Are entitled to share the road with you.
Have the right-of-way.
Must ride facing oncoming traffic.

8. Which of these statements is true about seat belts?

Children age 1 or older and over 20 lbs. Should ride buckled up in the front seat.
The back seat is generally not the safest place in the car for all children 12 and younger.
Babies should not ride in the front seat in vehicles with passenger-side air bags.

9. A solid double yellow line means you may:

Enter a private driveway.
Overtake and pass another vehicle.
Not cross the line for any reason.

10. How far ahead should you scan for hazards?

6 to 8 seconds.
10 to 15 seconds.
4 to 5 seconds.

11. You are driving on a city street and see an emergency vehicle behind you with flashing lights. What should you do?

Speed up to clear traffic.
Drive to the right edge of the road and stop.
Stay in your lane, but slow down.

12. You are getting sleepy.

Drive to a safe place, stop, and rest.
Drink coffee to make you stay awake.
Move to the right lane and continue driving.

13. This sign means:

Be prepared for vehicles to pass you.
Don't pass under any circumstances.
There is a passing lane ahead.

14. When five or more vehicles are following you on a narrow two-lane road, you should:

Speed up when they try to pass you.
Pull off the road when it is safe and let them pass.
Continue driving and ignore them.

15. Where should you stop your vehicle when there is not limit line?

Out far enough to see cross traffic.
After the crosswalk,
At the crosswalk.

16. You are approaching an intersection. The traffic signal light is flashing red. What should you do?

Wait for the green light before entering.
Stop before entering, then proceed when safe.
Slow down but allow cross traffic to go first.

17. There is a railroad crossing ahead and you can't see if any trains are coming until you are almost ready to cross the tracks. How fast should you be driving?

15 mph.
25 mph.
10 mph.

18. The handbook recommends signaling for at least _____ seconds before changing lanes on a freeway.


19. Which way do you turn your front wheels to park downhill?

Away from the curb.
Into the curb.
Parallel to the curb.

20. Which of these statements is true about Light Rail vehicles?

Light rail vehicles do not have the same responsibilities as other vehicles on public roadways.
You must always pass a light rail vehicle on the right.
Light rail vehicles can preempt traffic signals.

21. You reach the intersection at the same time as the driver on your left. Who goes first?

The driver on your left goes first.
You go first.
Whoever is signaling to make a turn.

22. You are getting ready to make a right turn. You should:

Use your emergency flashers at least 200 feet before turning.
Turn your parking lights on.
Signal at least 100 feet before your turn.

23. A yellow curb means:

Limited parking, but OK for buses.
Loading or unloading things or people only.
Commercial vehicles only.

24. The speed limit in any alley is:

15 mph.
20 mph.
10 mph.

25. What is a safety zone?

An empty lane next to the freeway dividers.
A space set aside for pedestrians.
The median strip on a divided highway.

26. Why should your passengers wear a seat belt?

It's the law.
It helps prevent accidents.
Passengers are not required to wear seat belts.

27. Which of these statements is true about blind spots?

You only need to turn and look over your right shoulder for lane changes to the right or left.
Look over your right shoulder for a right lane change and your left shoulder for a left lane change.
Vehicles with two outside mirrors do not have blind spots.

28. You want to park downhill and there is no curb. Which way do you turn your front wheels?

Parallel to the road.
Towards the side of the road.
Towards the center of the road.

29. You are driving on a two-way street and you want to turn left at the corner. Give the right-of-way to:

Pedestrians on the sidewalk waiting for a "WALK" signal.
Any vehicle coming towards you.
Vehicles stopped at a red light.

30. When can you cross a solid double yellow line to pass another vehicle?

When you know there are no cars coming towards you.
When a slow moving vehicle refuses to use a turn-out lane .
Under no circumstances.

31. This sign means:

Drive in the right lane at all times.
Stay in the right lane if you are driving slower than other traffic.
Slower traffic has the right-of-way.

32. This sign means:

Do not enter unless it is safe.
The road ahead is closed to traffic in all directions.
You cannot enter the road from your direction.

33. Checking traffic behind you:

Will help you know if you are being followed by a tailgater.
Is not a good idea. You should pay attention to the traffic in front of you.
Is only a good idea when you are slowing down.

34. Which of these statements is true about driving and taking drugs?

Drugs and alcohol can be used at the same time.
Most drugs taken for headaches or colds can make a person drowsy.
Prescription drugs are safe to take at any time.

35. This sign means:

Slow moving vehicle.
Vehicle has the right-of-way.
Yield to the vehicle.

36. You are approaching a railroad crossing. The lights are flashing red. You must:

Slow down before crossing.
Stop, then proceed when safe.
Stop only if you see a train coming.

37. You are involved in an accident and there is more than $1000 in damages. You must:

Show evidence that you have insurance only to a peace officer.
Make written report (SR 1) to the DMV.
Make a written report (SR 1) to the CHP only if anyone is injured or killed.

38. Which of the following will help you avoid being hit from behind?

Signaling at least 100 feet before turning.
Keeping your parking lights on at all times.
Using your emergency flashers at least 200 feet before turning.

39. When can you merge into a bike lane for a right turn?

Under no circumstances.
No more than 100 feet before turning.
No more than 200 feet before turning.

40. You can make a right turn at a red light, after checking for pedestrians and other traffic:

Only if there is a sign that says it is OK.
After you stop and there is no sign to prohibit the turn.
At any time, as long as you slow down first.

41. You are driving and come to a corner with a flashing yellow signal light. What should you do?

Wait for the green light before entering.
Slow down and cross carefully.
Stop before crossing.

42. This sign means:

Stop every time.
Stop two feet before the limit line.
Stop only if other vehicles are present.

43. You should never park:

Twenty feet from a railroad track.
In a space marked with a cross-hatched pattern.
In a bike lane.

44. Which way do you turn your front wheels to park uphill next to a curb?

To the left away from the curb.
Parallel to the curb.
To the right-into the curb.

45. You are driving at night and using high beams. Dim your lights when you get closer than _____feet from the car ahead.